“The Madonna of the chair” of the collegiate church of Lerma. A gold and silk painting for the ducal magnificence

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Antonio Sama García



The parish church of san Pedro de Lerma (Burgos, Spain), a former collegiate church, still preserves a luxurious ensemble of extraordinary wealth in line with the magnificence and ostentation of the church’s patron, Francisco de Sandoval y Rojas, 1st Duke of Lerma (1533-1625). Among the pieces in this collection is a very fine tapestry made of silk and gold that perfectly illustrates the concept of the royal patronage of the church fostered by the man who was the great favourite of Philip III. It is a woven version of the original painting by Raphael Sanzio known as La Madonna della seggiola. According to the results of the research, everything seems to indicate that it is one of the five cloths woven in the ducal manufactory in Florence between 1599 and 1602, based on Raphael’s composition and under the direction of Guasparri Papini.


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Sama García, A. (2023). “The Madonna of the chair” of the collegiate church of Lerma. A gold and silk painting for the ducal magnificence. Además De. Revista on Line De Artes Decorativas Y diseño, (9), 75-115. https://doi.org/10.46255/add.2023.9.140


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