Tomás Maldonado, meddling as a design methodology

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Jorge Fragua Valdivieso


In this text I will try to analyze and expose the importance of the transdisciplinary approach to point out, mainly in design, but also in history, not so much the lack as the opportunity. Using the figure of Tomás Maldonado and his theory, I would like to propose how designers develop their methodologies, mainly from a practical point of view and linked to a certain personal identity. To point out how a practice with a presumably social objective is, paradoxically, individualistic in its approach affecting the way of understanding the objects they approach. Having done this, I intend to briefly point out the advantages of adding a theoretical methodology to the practical approach to the objects. The aim of this text is, therefore, to emphasize the need for a theoretical approach in design; to briefly point out what, as designers, keeps us away from it; and mainly to invite collaboration between different fields to continue its development.


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How to Cite
Fragua Valdivieso, J. (2023). Tomás Maldonado, meddling as a design methodology. Además De. Revista on Line De Artes Decorativas Y diseño, (9), 233-243.


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