Export of Bohemian Glass to Spain and Portugal in the 18th Century
Contenido principal del artículo
The invention of Bohemian crystal glass was a prerequisite for world trade in this fashionable assortment, which, within Bohemia, was concentrated in Nový Bor-Kamenický Šenov region in northern Bohemia. These were hollow glass, chandeliers and later mirrors. During the 18th century, trading companies from Nový Bor and the surrounding areas established permanent branches abroad, so-called factories, from where they managed both local and distant markets. At the same time, in addition to the Hanseatic cities in the north of Germany, they focused primarily on the Iberian Peninsula, from where they also exported to the colonies. They settled in Cadiz, Seville, Alicante, and La Coruña in Spain, and worked in Lisbon or Porto in Portugal. What principles did this business work on? What was daily life like in the factories? What kind of people were involved in this business? These are the main questions that the study aims to answer.
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